This was an online film we shot for the launch of the ‘For Dummies’ series of books at Exclusive Books, South Africa’s largest chain of bookstores.
Easily one of the most fun accounts of my career so far, our wonderfully clever client allowed us to do work others only dream of, but then a love of books and reading lends itself to great work. This ad was quick and fun and one of my favourites to make. Casting was key. It took a while for them to find their right character performance, but then it just flowed and we were finished before lunch. That’s my copywriter in the background delivering a load of papers.
Cannes Lions Bronze (Film)
Loeries Silver (Film)
Creative Circle Ad of the Month (Film)
Client - Exclusive Books
Agency - Ogilvy Johannesburg
ECD - Fran Luckin
CD - Bridget Johnson
Copywriter - David Krueger
Creative Group Head / Art director - Marion Bryan
Director - Peter Pohorsky